Percent Stocking

In imperial units:

$$\%s = tpa * ( b_0 + b_1 * \bar{D} + b_2 * \bar{D}_q^2 )$$

where: $\%s$ is the percent stocking, $\bar{D}$ is the arithmetic mean in inches, $\bar{D}_q$ is the Quadratic Mean Diameter in inches, $ba$ is the basal area in square feet per acre, $tpa$ is the trees per acre, and 0.005454154 is a constant.


Imperial units
ba = 100 ft2/ac
tpa = 200
foresttype = "upland.oak"
Answer = 86.0313

ba = 50 ft2/ac
tpa = 100
foresttype = ""
Answer = 51.151


Visual Basic

Function percentStocking(ba As Single, tpa As Single, Optional foresttype As String = "upland.oak") As Double
' Function to calculate quadratic mean diameter from basal area per acre and trees per acre
' by David R. Larsen, Copyright November 16, 2012
' Creative Commons

dq = Math.Sqr((ba / tpa) / 0.005454154)
amd = (-0.259 + (0.973 * dq))
If (foresttype = "upland.oak") Then
  percentStocking = (tpa * (-0.00507 + 0.01698 * amd + 0.00307 * dq ^ 2))
ElseIf (foresttype = "") Then
  percentStocking = (tpa * (0.02476 + 0.004182 * amd + 0.00267 * dq ^ 2))
ElseIf (foresttype = "sugar.maple") Then
  percentStocking = (tpa * (-0.003082 + 0.006272 * amd + 0.00469 * dq ^ 2))
ElseIf (foresttype = "black.cherry") Then
  percentStocking = (tpa * (0.02794 + 0.01545 * amd + 0.000871 * dq ^ 2))
ElseIf (foresttype = "red.maple") Then
  percentStocking = (tpa * (-0.01798 + 0.02143 * amd + 0.001711 * dq ^ 2))
ElseIf (foresttype = "black.walnut") Then
  percentStocking = (tpa * (0.01646 + 0.01347 * amd + 0.002757 * dq ^ 2))
ElseIf (foresttype = "shortleaf.pine") Then
  percentStocking = (tpa * (0.008798 + 0.009435 * amd + 0.00253 * dq ^ 2))
ElseIf (foresttype = "cottonwood.silver.maple") Then
  percentStocking = (tpa * (-0.0685724 + 0.0010125 * amd + 0.0023656 * dq ^ 2))
  percentStocking = 0#
  MsgBox ("Unknown forest type, options are: upland.oak,, sugar.maple, black.cherry, red.maple, black.walnut, shortleaf.pine, cottonwood.silver.maple")
End If
If (percentStocking < 0#) Then
  percentStocking = 0#
End If

End Function

Excel® Visual Basic Code

R Statistical Package Code

percent.stocking = function( tpa, ba, b = c(-0.00507, 0.01698, 0.00317), adj=1 )
#  Routine to calculate the percent stocking from tpa and ba
# these equations have only been developed in imperial units.
#  by David Larsen, Copyright January 20, 1999
  dia <- qmd( tpa=tpa, ba=ba )
  amd <- -0.259+.973*dia
  percent <- (tpa*(b[1]+b[2]*amd+b[3]*dia^2))
  if( percent < 0.0 ) percent = 0.0

qmd = function( ba, tpa, unittype="imperial" )
# Function to calculate the quadratic mean diameter from basal area and tree per acre
# by David R. Larsen, Copyright October 9, 2012
# Creative Commons

   if (unittype == "imperial"){
       qmd = sqrt((ba / tpa) / 0.005454154)
   }else if (unitype == "metric"){
       qmd = sqrt((ba / tpa) / 0.00007854)
       qmd = 0

upland.oak <- c(-0.00507, 0.01698, 0.00317) <- c(-0.02476, 0.004182, 0.00267)
sugar.maple <- c(-0.003082, 0.006272, 0.00469)
black.cherry <- c(-0.002794, 0.01545, 0.000871)
red.maple <- c(-0.01798, 0.02143, 0.001711)
black.walnut <- c(0.01646, 0.01347, 0.002757)
shortleaf.pine <- c(0.008798, 0.009435, 0.00253)
R Statistical Package Code

Python Code

# Function to calculate percent stocking
# from basal area per acre and tree per acre
# by David R. Larsen, November 16, 2012
# Creative Commons,

import math

# Percent stocking has only been worked out for imperial measurements

def parameters(type="upland.oak"):
  if( type == "upland.oak" ):
     value = [-0.00507,0.01698,0.00307]
  elif( type == "" ):
     value = [0.02476,0.006272,0.00469]
     value = [-0.00507,0.01698,0.00307]
  return value

# qmd is a function to return the quadratic mean diameter
# given basal area per acre and trees per acre

def qmd( ba, tpa):
  value = math.sqrt( ((ba/tpa)/0.005454154) )
  return value
# percentStocking is a function that return the percent stocking using a Gingrich style tree area equation

def percentStocking( ba, tpa, type="upland.oak" ):
  dia = qmd( ba, tpa )
  amd = -0.259 + 0.973 * dia
  b = parameters( type )
  percent = (b[0] + b[1] * amd + b[2] * dia**2 ) * tpa
  if( percent < 0.0 ):
    percent = 0.0
  return percent

# testing
print "      percent stocking( 55, 100, \"upland.oak\") = ", percentStocking( 55.0, 100.0, type="upland.oak")
print "     percent stocking( 100, 200, \"upland.oak\") = ", percentStocking( 100.0, 200.0, type="upland.oak")
print "percent stocking( 50, 100, \"\") = ", percentStocking( 50.0, 100.0, type="")
print "      percent stocking( 100, 50, \"upland.oak\") = ", percentStocking( 100.0, 50.0, type="upland.oak")
print "      percent stocking( 50, 400, \"upland.oak\") = ", percentStocking( 50.0, 400.0, type="upland.oak")
Python Code

Note the python file has a extra "txt" at the end to allow the files to be viewed in a web browser.

Go Code

// Function to calculate precent stocking
// from basal area  and tree per acre
// by David R. Larsen, September 12, 2013
// Creative Commons,
package main

import (

//  Percent stocking has only been worked out for imperial measurements

func parameters(group string) []float64 {
	value := []float64{ -0.00507, 0.01698, 0.00307 }
	if strings.Contains( group, "" ) {
	   value = []float64{ 0.02476, 0.006272, 0.00469 }
	return value

// Function to calculate a quadratic mean
func qmd(ba float64, tpa float64) float64 {
	val := math.Sqrt( ((ba / tpa) / 0.005454154) )
	return val

// percentStocking is a function that return the percent stocking
// using a Gingrich style tree area equation
func percentStocking(ba float64, tpa float64, group string) float64 {
	var percent float64
        dia := qmd( ba, tpa )
	amd := -0.259 + 0.973 * dia
	b := parameters( group )
	percent = (b[0] + b[1] * amd + b[2] * math.Pow(dia, 2.0)) * tpa
	if percent < 0.0 {
	    percent = 0.0
	return percent

func main() {
	fmt.Println("percent stocking( 55, 100, \"upland.oak\") = ", percentStocking(55.0, 100.0, "upland.oak"))
	fmt.Println("percent stocking( 100, 200, \"upland.oak\") = ", percentStocking(100.0, 200.0, "upland.oak"))
	fmt.Println("percent stocking( 50, 100, \"\") = ", percentStocking(50.0, 100.0, ""))
	fmt.Println("percent stocking( 100, 50, \"upland.oak\") = ", percentStocking(100.0, 50.0, "upland.oak"))
	fmt.Println("percent stocking( 50, 400, \"upland.oak\") = ", percentStocking(50.0, 400.0, "upland.oak"))


Go Code

Note the go file has a extra "txt" at the end to allow the files to be viewed in a web browser.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.

Author: Dr. David R. Larsen, Copyright 2012
Created: October 9, 2012
Last Updated: August 21, 2017