Cubic Log Volume
Cubic foot volume is calculated as the frustum of a geometric shape.
Frustum of a paraboloid or Smalain's Formula
Figure 1. A frustum of a paraboloid or often call the Smalian's Formula.
$$V = \frac{L}{2} \left( As + Al \right)$$
where $V$ is the cubic Volume in the dimensions of $L^3$, $As$ is the area of the small end in dimensions of $L^2$, $Al$ is the area of the large end in dimensions of $L^2$. Note the diameter of the ends are ususally no measured in the same units as $L$ so the units must be converted.
Frustum of a cone.
Figure 2. A frustum of a cone.
$$V = \frac{L}{3} \left( As + \sqrt{As Al} + Al \right)$$
where $V$ is the cubic Volume in the dimensions of $L^3$, $As$ is the area of the small end in dimensions of $L^2$, $Al$ is the area of the large end in dimensions of $L^2$. Note the diameter of the ends are ususally no measured in the same units as $L$ so the units must be converted.
Frustum of a neiloid
Figure 3. A frustum of a neiloid.
$$V = \frac{L}{4} \left( As + \sqrt[3]{As^2 Al} + \sqrt[3]{As Al^2} + Al \right)$$
where $V$ is the cubic Volume in the dimensions of $L^3$, $As$ is the area of the small end in dimensions of $L^2$, $Al$ is the area of the large end in dimensions of $L^2$. Note the diameter of the ends are ususally no measured in the same units as $L$ so the units must be converted.
- Imperial Units
- dia small = 10 in inches
- dia large = 12 in inches
- L = 16 feet
- unittype = "imperial"
- Answer (smalian) = 10.647 cubic feet
- Answer (cone) = 10.588 cubic feet
- Answer (neiloid) = 10.568 cubic feet
- Metric Units
- dia small = 25 in centimeters
- dia small = 29 in centimeters
- L = 5 in meters
- unittype = "metric"
- Answer (smalian) = 0.287848 cubic meters
- Answer (cone) = 0.286801 cubic meters
- Answer (neiloid) = 0.286452 cubic meters
Visual Basic
Function logVolume(sdia As Single, ldia As Single, length As Single, Optional equationtype As String = "smalian", Optional unittype As String = "imperial") As Double
' Function to calculate the Cubic volume of a log.
' You must specify both unittype and equationtype.
' by David R. Larsen, Copyright October 9, 2012
' Creative Commons
Const PI = 3.14159265358979
If (unittype = "none") Then
sarea = PI / 4# * (sdia) ^ 2
larea = PI / 4# * (ldia) ^ 2
ElseIf (unittype = "imperial") Then
sarea = PI / 4# * (sdia / 12#) ^ 2
larea = PI / 4# * (ldia / 12#) ^ 2
ElseIf (unittype = "metric") Then
sarea = PI / 4# * (sdia / 100#) ^ 2
larea = PI / 4# * (ldia / 100#) ^ 2
logVolume = 0#
MsgBox ("Unknown unittype, Options are: none, imperial or metric")
End If
If (equationtype = "smalian") Then
logVolume = length / 2# * (sarea + larea)
ElseIf (equationtype = "cone") Then
logVolume = length / 3# * (sarea + Math.Sqr(sarea * larea) + larea)
ElseIf (equationtype = "neloid") Then
logVolume = length / 4# * (sarea + (sarea ^ 2 * larea) ^ (1 / 3) + (sarea * larea ^ 2) ^ (1 / 3) + larea)
logVolume = 0#
MsgBox ("Unknown equationtype, Options are: smalian, cone or neloid")
End If
End Function
Excel® Visual Basic Code
R Statistical Package Code
cubicvolume=function( sdia, ldia, length, unittype="imperial", sameunits=F )
# Function to calculate omined cubic volume formula
# by David R. Larsen, Copyright October 30, 2012
# Creative Commons
smalian = 0
if (unittype == "imperial"){
if( sameunits == T ){
As = pi * sdia^2
Al = pi * ldia^2
As = pi / (4.0 * 144.0) * (sdia)^2
Al = pi / (4.0 * 144.0) * (ldia)^2
}else if (unitype == "metric"){
if( sameunits == T ){
As = pi * sdia^2
Al = pi * ldia^2
As = pi / (4.0 * 10000.0) * (sdia)^2
Al = pi / (4.0 * 10000.0) * (ldia)^2
cat( "Error: unknown unittype" )
smalian = length / 2 * ( As + Al )
cone = length / 3 * ( As + sqrt(As * Al) + Al )
neiloid = length / 4 * (As + cbrt( As^2 * Al ) + cbrt( As * Al^2) + Al )
list( smalian=smalian, cone=cone, neiloid=neiloid)
# function to calculate a cube root
sign(a) * abs(a)^(1/3)
R Statistical Package Code
Python Code
# Function to calculate cubic volume
# from small end diameter, large end diameter and log length
# by David R. Larsen, October 30, 2012
# Creative Commons,
import math
def cbrt( a ):
cubert= (a**(1 / 3.0))
return cubert
def cubicvolume( sdia, ldia, length, equationtype="smailian", unittype="imperial", sameunits=False):
if( unittype == "imperial" ):
if( sameunits == True ):
As = math.pi * sdia**2.0
Al = math.pi * ldia**2.0
As = math.pi / (4.0 * 144.0) * (sdia)**2.0
Al = math.pi / (4.0 * 144.0) * (ldia)**2.0
if( equationtype == "smailian" ):
value = length / 2.0 * ( As + Al )
return value
elif( equationtype == "cone"):
value = length / 3.0 * ( As + math.sqrt( As * Al) + Al )
return value
elif (equationtype == "neiloid" ):
value = length / 4.0 * ( As + cbrt( As ** 2 * Al) + cbrt( As * Al ** 2) + Al )
return value
elif( unittype == "metric"):
if( sameunits == True ):
As = math.pi * sdia**2.0
Al = math.pi * ldia**2.0
As = math.pi / (4.0 * 10000.0) * (sdia)**2.0
Al = math.pi / (4.0 * 10000.0) * (ldia)**2.0
if( equationtype == "smailian" ):
value = length / 2.0 * ( As + Al )
return value
elif( equationtype == "cone"):
value = length / 3.0 * ( As + math.sqrt( As * Al) + Al )
return value
elif (equationtype == "neiloid" ):
value = length / 4.0 * ( As + cbrt( As ** 2 * Al) + cbrt( As * Al ** 2) + Al )
return value
print "Unknown unittype, options are imperial or metric"
print "smalian =", cubicvolume( 11.0, 10.0, 16.0)
print "smalian =", cubicvolume( 11.0, 10.0, 16.0, "smailian", "imperial")
print "smalian =", cubicvolume( 28.0, 25.0, 4.8, "smailian", "metric")
print "smalian =", cubicvolume( 11.0, 10.0, 16.0, "smailian", "cunits")
print "cone =", cubicvolume( 11.0, 10.0, 16.0, "cone")
print "cone =", cubicvolume( 11.0, 10.0, 16.0, "cone", "imperial")
print "cone =", cubicvolume( 28.0, 25.0, 4.8, "cone", "metric")
print "cone =", cubicvolume( 11.0, 10.0, 16.0, "cone", "cunits")
print "neiloid =", cubicvolume( 11.0, 10.0, 16.0, "neiloid")
print "neiloid =", cubicvolume( 11.0, 10.0, 16.0, "neiloid", "imperial")
print "neiloid =", cubicvolume( 28.0, 25.0, 4.8, "neiloid", "metric")
print "neiloid =", cubicvolume( 11.0, 10.0, 16.0, "neiloid", "cunits")
Python Code
Go Code
// Function to calculate cubic volume
// from small end diameter, large end diameter and log length
// by David R. Larsen, October 30, 2012
// Creative Commons,
package main
import (
func cubicvolume(sdia float64, ldia float64, length float64, equationtype string, unittype string, sameunits bool) float64 {
var As float64
var Al float64
var value float64
if unittype == "imperial" {
if sameunits == true {
As = math.Pi * math.Pow(sdia, 2.0)
Al = math.Pi * math.Pow(ldia, 2.0)
} else {
As = math.Pi / (4.0 * 144.0) * math.Pow((sdia), 2.0)
Al = math.Pi / (4.0 * 144.0) * math.Pow((ldia), 2.0)
if equationtype == "smailian" {
value = length / 2.0 * (As + Al)
} else if equationtype == "cone" {
value = length / 3.0 * (As + math.Sqrt(As*Al) + Al)
} else if equationtype == "neiloid" {
value = length / 4.0 * (As + math.Cbrt(math.Pow(As, 2.0)*Al) + math.Cbrt(As*math.Pow(Al, 2.0)) + Al)
} else if unittype == "metric" {
if sameunits == true {
As = math.Pi * math.Pow(sdia, 2.0)
Al = math.Pi * math.Pow(ldia, 2.0)
} else {
As = math.Pi / (4.0 * 10000.0) * math.Pow((sdia), 2.0)
Al = math.Pi / (4.0 * 10000.0) * math.Pow((ldia), 2.0)
if equationtype == "smailian" {
value = length / 2.0 * (As + Al)
} else if equationtype == "cone" {
value = length / 3.0 * (As + math.Sqrt(As*Al) + Al)
} else if equationtype == "neiloid" {
value = length / 4.0 * (As + math.Cbrt(math.Pow(As, 2.0)*Al) + math.Cbrt(As*math.Pow(Al, 2)) + Al)
} else {
fmt.Println("Unknown unittype,", unittype, " options are imperial or metric")
return value
func main() {
fmt.Println("smalian =", cubicvolume(10.0, 12.0, 16.0, "smailian", "imperial", false))
fmt.Println("smalian =", cubicvolume(25.0, 29.0, 5.0, "smailian", "metric", false))
fmt.Println("smalian =", cubicvolume(10.0, 12.0, 16.0, "smailian", "cunits", false))
fmt.Println("cone =", cubicvolume(10.0, 12.0, 16.0, "cone", "imperial", false))
fmt.Println("cone =", cubicvolume(25.0, 29.0, 5.0, "cone", "metric", false))
fmt.Println("cone =", cubicvolume(10.0, 12.0, 16.0, "cone", "cunits", false))
fmt.Println("neiloid =", cubicvolume(10.0, 12.0, 16.0, "neiloid", "imperial", false))
fmt.Println("neiloid =", cubicvolume(25.0, 29.0, 5.0, "neiloid", "metric", false))
fmt.Println("neiloid =", cubicvolume(10.0, 12.0, 16.0, "neiloid", "cunits", false))
Go Code
Note the Go files have a extra "txt" at the end to allow the files to be viewed in a web browser.